Pax Von Athaba was born on 29.1.2007 in the famous German Kennel Von Athaba owned by Thorsten Helmer. Pax has an amazing drive, temperament and movement and is very well pigmented. Pax surely inherited all these advantages from his sire  Bijou Vom Freese Land.

Description of the sire : Bijou Vom Freese Land

Very well, largely, strength and substantial, Strong head with pronounced mask, high Withers, clean, firm back, good length and situation of the croup, correct angle plants of the pre and hind angulations, balanced Brisket in proportion, clean front and signal element sequence, liquid wide outreaching gait with effective supply and free precedence pigments particularly type and expressive. Safe nature

Special advantages:
Expressive, very well pigmented, strong movement presented male with good body structures

Consultation for the breed use:
To the improvement of Structure, pigmentation and bone strength.
Bijou vom Freese Land Yak vom Frankengold Hoss vom Lärchenhain
Lea vom Holtkämper See
Jonda vom Holtkämper See Heros vom Holtkämper See
Lamri von der Urbecke
Afra von Athaba Aroxs av Thorarinn Hagadahls Arex
Lorrie a. Rasthaugen
Leika vom Emstor Quartz dei Templari
Gamby vom Emstor

Pedigree online (with photos)
